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July 14, 2023

Service update following COVID-19 outbreak

COVID-19: Update to service
With the risk of COVID-19 remaining, changes to service delivery continue to ensure the safety of service users, staff and the wider public by aiming to reduce face to face contact wherever possible, whilst maintaining a high level of service.

The service Intelligence Centre should be contacted in the first instance by telephone on 0300 003 1212

During the call, a member of our team will ask some questions in order to make a basic assessment of your need and link you to the right level of service.

You will then be offered a callback or appointment for a virtual clinical assessment which will be carried out by a clinician contacting you by phone or video conferencing system.

This virtual assessment will determine the next steps which may include a socially distanced attendance at one of our clinics or a community pharmacy.

SMS reminders will be communicated with regard to your appointment.

People attending our clinics will be required to wear a face-covering and we ask that you do not attend with friends, family or any other person not associated with your care.

When visiting our clinics, we ask that you comply with social distancing, hand washing and waste disposal direction.

Do not attend at the clinic if you or someone you live with has any of the following symptoms associated with the COVID-19 infection: a high temperature, a new continuous cough, a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste.

If you arrive at the clinic without prior arrangement you will be directed to call the service Intelligence Centre and will not be seen.

If you would like to be tested for STI’s and do not have symptoms please follow the link to Test at Home.

The clinical assessment will determine the next element of service offered which could be:

Directed to an online service, including ‘test at home’.
Offered an appointment to attend a clinic or community pharmacy to collect medication or treatment.
Offered an appointment to attend a clinic for a procedure or treatment which requires close contact.
The ongoing COVID-19 risk has required the service to change their appointment schedule to ensure the safest environment for everyone. People attending for an appointment will be screened for COVID 19 symptoms, required to wear a face-covering and will be asked not to attend with a friend, family or another person not associated with their care.

For further information or have any questions please contact the service Intelligence Centre at 0300 003 1212.

Last updated: 26 Oct 2020

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