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Looking for help or advice? Concerned you may have an STI or want to protect yourself and others? Keen to understand your options when it comes to contraception?

Are you a professional or volunteer looking to refer a patient or get involved?

Whatever you need, Essex Sexual Health services are here and ready to help.


Looking for help or advice? Concerned you may have an STI or want to protect yourself and others? Keen to understand your options when it comes to contraception?

Are you a professional or volunteer looking to refer a patient or get involved?

Whatever you need, Essex Sexual Health services are here and ready to help.

Our Locations

Clinics | Pharmacies | Hub

Essex Sexual Health Services are delivered from locations across the county.

Working closely with Terrence Higgins Trust and Healthy Living Partnership, we offer a range of services at a number of clinics and retail pharmacies.

Search below to find details of your nearest location.


0300 003 1212



ESHS, 900 The Crescent,
Colchester Business Park,
Colchester, Essex,
C04 9YQ



I can’t thank the creators of this blog enough for the positive impact it has had on my knowledge and perspective regarding sexuality. I eagerly await each new post and have recommended this blog to friends and family who share an interest in learning more about this essential aspect of human life.


I wanted to share my thoughts on the sexuality blog I’ve been reading. This blog has been an incredible resource for me, providing valuable insights and information about various aspects of human sexuality. The articles are not only well-written but also thought-provoking and informative.


I can’t thank the creators of this blog enough for the positive impact it has had on my knowledge and perspective regarding sexuality. I eagerly await each new post and have recommended this blog to friends and family who share an interest in learning more about this essential aspect of human life.


I wanted to share my thoughts on the sexuality blog I’ve been reading. This blog has been an incredible resource for me, providing valuable insights and information about various aspects of human sexuality. The articles are not only well-written but also thought-provoking and informative.