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Essex Sexual Health

We’re here to help you stay safe, healthy and protected. We offer free information, support and treatment for everyone in Essex, no matter your age, gender or sexual orientation.

We know talking about sex can be awkward but it’s important to know your body and how to stay safe. We’re here to answer your questions and provide you with the resources you need to have for a healthy sex life.

Your go-to for free


advice and support

Your go-to for free


advice and support

We’re here to help you stay safe, healthy and protected. We offer free information, support and treatment for everyone in Essex, no matter your age, gender or sexual orientation.

We know talking about sex can be awkward but it’s important to know your body and how to stay safe. We’re here to answer your questions and provide you with the resources you need to have a healthy sex life.

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Your privacy is our top priority, and our service is all confidential.



Essex Sexual
Health Services

We’re here to help you stay safe, healthy and protected. We provide free, confidential and non-judgmental sexual health services for everyone in Essex, regardless of age, gender or sexuality.

We understand that accessing sexual health services can be daunting but we’re here to make it as easy as possible for you.

Getting free and discreet condoms was easier than I thought!”

Getting free and discreet condoms was easier than I thought!”

Get It the eC-Card

eC-Card is a free & confidential service, for young people to access condoms
 dependent on their location.

If you are under 16 or want to speak to someone in person, you can visit one of our Easy Access Points/outlets, where a trained professional will walk you through the registration process and have a conversation around safe sex and healthy relationships. The registration should take around 15 minutes. Upon completion, you will be issued with a eC-Card*. You can then visit any eC-Card registered outlet to top up on condoms (6 at a time).

Register to get free condoms

Order condom packs online and find lots of information about sexual health. And the best bit? It’s all FREE!

Log in

If you have previously registered at a site please click the forgotten password button and follow the instructions.

Advice Hub





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